Sunday, December 14, 2014


The breeds of this area are also like bovine breeds and considerably differ in size and character. The wool of sheep in this area is of fine quality but the fibre is short in length. The wool is used in the manufacture of Pattus. The goat hairs are used Charra making. The skins of these animals are used in place of gunny bags for storage of grains etc., and foot wrapping during winter season. A local foot wear known as PAPOO is also made of goat or Yak hairs and is very comfortable during winter. In Chhorbat area one Goat breed is known to have been yielding Pashmina of low quality which is utilized in ‘Fard’ making, a well known cottage industry of the area which has gone under deterioration since the liberation of this area as most of raw Pashmina was brought from Laddakh on barter system. In order to improve the Pashmina, some goats from Angora are being imported.

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